Training: Week One
Well, my first week of training for my half-marathon and marathon is complete. I ran four miles on Monday. Then, three miles on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday was my "off-day", and I ran a 10K (6.2 miles) on Saturday. I didn't break any speed records, but I was glad to see that I could run fifty minutes straight without too much difficulty. Yeah, that is right... It took me fifty minutes. HOWEVER, to be fair, I ran into my postman on the trail, whom I hadn't seen in quite some time, as he has been off on injury leave. I stopped to chat with him, and that's what made me so slow. :)
Here is my run list for the week on NikePlus:

Have I mentioned how much I love that device? The freedom to run wherever you like and have it still peg accurate miles, as well as the reporting, makes this a killer iPod app.
The trails in Belleville which parallel the Metrolink tracks are nicely set up, beautifully paved, and well-maintained. I feel lucky to live so close to them. They make for excellent running trails, and serve as great bicycle trails as well. Since Sundays are my "cross-training" day, I will be hitting the trail with my Cannondale R300. I also plan on doing some off-road trails on my Trek 4300 WSD. It is going to be a fun summer!
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